Femdom Foot Fetish: Swept Off My Feet

“YOUR Blog, i really enjoy it.  It is the best of all LDW.” -SD   Femdom Feet Fetish: Swept Off My Feet Keepin’ Up with the Jones Femdom Feet Fetish Wow, thanks so much for the praise! I must apologize to you and all my little darlings though,...

Femdom Feet Worship: From Lust Till Dawn

Femdom Feet Worship: From Lust Till Dawn So, my main boy-toy Xander and I had what’s becoming our traditional midweek movie night. I had never seen from Tarantino’s From Dusk Till Dawn and lucky for me I knew very little about the premise which made it all...

Serve the Foot Goddess

  Serve the Foot Goddess Serve the Foot Goddess   In Tantra practices, the Goddess Sakti (Power) is the Deity in the female form. She is seen as the supreme power or mother of all the energy of the universe that creates, sustains and withdraws. She is mother...