Hello, all my little Prissy Sissy Maid Misses. Today’s Multi-tasker Household Helper is Sissy Maid Gold: Baking Soda/Sodium Bicarbonate
Every good Sissy Maid and old-fashioned Sissy Housewife knows the power of being prepared. While primarily baking soda is used to make baked goods rise as a leavening agent, it’s used for a myriad of solutions to many of life’s little snafus. This makes it a powerful tool in any sissy’s arsenal. Use it to:
Smooth, clean, & whiten nails for Mistress and Sissy Maid
All it takes is 3 parts baking soda to one part water and mix them to the consistency of a paste. Gently rub it into each of the nail beds and around the cuticles in soft, circular motions. Working it into the cuticles helps to exfoliate the surrounding skin and keep those nails looking tidy.
Exfoliate Feet
Soak about 2 tablespoons of the baking soda into a basin or bowl of water to soothe tired feet by soaking them. or, making it into a paste like above, you can apply it to rough skin patches and calluses.
Blemish Blaster
Leaving a paste of baking soda on blemishes reduces swelling and redness. Washing off after an hour or overnight will shrink the blemish.
-Sprinkle this into a powder puff and apply underarms to stay dry.
-Pour a little into garbage bags to help dissipate any smells.
-Add a little to sneakers.
Clean Out Tea and Coffee Stains
Using a wet dish rag and working in a little baking soda onto it then rubbing down mugs will have them clean and shining with ease. No more elbow scrubbing needed!
Unclog drains by pouring down a pot of boiling water through pipes and then pouring in 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar. Cover t drain for about 10-20 mins. Then pour more hot water through. You can also clean out wash nozzles from shower heads or kitchen sinks by applying a paste of baking soda and water onto the heads with an old toothbrush, waiting 30 mins. Then, brush off the paste and wipe down.
Sprinkle over greasy pots, pans and dishes, let it sit for a bit and soak. It makes the grease wipe off easier.
You can even polish silver with baking soda.
From Armandhammer.com
- First, run your hands quickly under hot water to slightly soften your nails;
- Take the equivalent of a teaspoon of baking soda, and apply the powder directly to your nails;
- Rub the powder against your nails, either with your other fingers or with a small brush;
- Also take the opportunity to gently rub your cuticles: this exfoliates dead skin, and your fingers regain all their softness;
- Rinse your hands with clear water, and wash them with a little soap.
Sissy Maid Shine: Brighten & Whiten & Soften Laundry
As white clothing items age, they sometimes build up hard water stains or get discolored with wear. Adding 1/2 cup when you add in your detergent will keep those whites looking crisp and soften the material. It also works to brighten colors as well on darker loads.
Dear Goddess, I LOVE your practical advice for a good sissy! This is such an enjoyable read! Thank you for how much work you put into this. I really appreciate it and I’m glad I know where to look when I need to! Very helpful!
Baking soda is great, but i did not know all of those uses! Thank You!