Sensual Domina Girl Crush -Can you guess who?

Today’s sensual Domina Girl Crush is hard to synopsize for the simple fact that she has been a fictionalized character personified by different incarnations. I think they each are equally sexy and embody admiral attributes. Her origins are rooted in reality but her style has become legendary. To me, she is the ultimate essence of exotic and is a part of every feminine wile that loves to wear a little black dress and isn’t afraid to be different.  She’s most definitely a sensual domina in the way she carries herself, rules her roost and her man; sensual yet savage.

Sensual Domina & Dastardly Dame

Here are a few fave quotes of my mystery mistress:

  • “And our credo, “Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”…”We gladly feast on those who would subdue us”. Not just pretty words.”
  • “Don’t torture yourself,- that’s my job.”
  • “Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. [pause] Do it again.”
  • “Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly”

Domina of Darkness

Can you guess who it is yet (without googling)? The key to remember sensual yet dominate. Fierce feminine domination controls you  and you don’t want to fight such a delight. Check out my next blog to find out 😉