Taking a Page From the Book of Bettie for Panty  Pin-Up Bois and Gurls.


A few factoids about this luscious and legendary lady sprinkled with Bettie Bites of wisdom:



-Betty’s trademark short and sassy bombshell bangs made her shine and stand out.

Pearl of Wisdom: Never be afraid to be different since that’s what distinguishes you from the rest of the flock.


-Betty wasn’t just another pretty face. She was salutatorian of her high school and used her savviness to create her own DIY fashion designs that she used when starting her modeling career.

Pearl of Wisdom:  Beauty is even better when coupled with brains.


You Just Can’t Keep A Good Dame Down

-Ford Modeling agency rejected her saying she was too short and her hips were too wide to be a model. And yet her sexy as hell dangerous curves are exactly what made her pin-up shoots so damn sizzling.

-Betty Page didn’t make good on her Hollywood screen test when trying to go for a studio contract in her early days in the biz.  Her handlers were trying to make her into a Joan Crawford type lookalike which didn’t work for her unique style plus she rejected the advances of the man who was in charge of hiring her. She stuck to her scruples regardless and made her own way into icon status in the entertainment industry.

Pearls of Wisdom: Always Dust yourself off and try again.


-Betty was reincarnated in comic books.  Dave Steves, creator of “The Rocketeer” made Bettie his muse despite the fact she was at that time retired from the limelight. Her timeless appeal ended up helping her gain addition financial success in her golden years-in fact more so then she ever did while modeling.

Pearl of Wisdom: True sexiness is timeless.


-Being a strong chick (or chick with a clit-dick) doesn’t mean you can’t crack a sweet smile. Betty’s girl-next-door good looks are  what made her fetish get-ups and poses all the kinkier in contrast.

Pearl of Wisdom: Smile!


Now you have a whole veritable   pearl necklace (heehee –see what I did there?) of wisdom to draw upon. 😉
