My Very First Cum-Eating Experience
My Very First Cum-Eating Experience & Be-cumming a Cock Control Mistress
Cum-eating was something I had been curious about forever. I hate to be reduced to a cliché as much as the next person, but in one way I am very much the typical ex-catholic-honor-student-gone-bad. I was always a pristine example of the good, little overachiever, and in many ways still am. Except, of course, for the minor, teeny, tiny and barely relevant fact that I am a sensual femdom and cock-commandeer who strives to be responsible and have good intentions by day, but transforms into a hedonistic hellion by moon rise. 😉 We all have our ways of letting off steam, mine just happens to mainly include she-devilry and ball-busting after a long stressful week.
Let’s start at the very beginning. Not so long ago, when I was just a wink and a smile over 18, I started dating a man that was almost ten years older (and unfortunately, not wiser) than myself. My innocent young mind thought that an older male must surely be more mature than a guy my own age since it does seem to reason guys take longer to season and train doesn’t it? Ah, the vain presumptions of youth!
Real Cock
Well, I’ll give him this, he had a nice “training-wheels” version of a real cock and balls for me. Not too big as to be intimating, but by no means small. You have to keep in mind, this is way before I was a size-queen, of course. I’m sure if I encountered that dick-stick again it would seem down right tiny by my greedy, experienced Mistress standards. He was hopelessly devoted to me, and I made sure he was squeaky clean and STD-free. Because what good is a pet if you can’t get him checked out without any grousing? He complied of course, just like a gentleman should.
Then, as far as I was concerned, it was down to sampling that dick nectar. I felt I had some serious catching up to do. His cock was going to be my first conquest. This wasn’t merely to please him, I had far more nefarious intentions. I lusted to know how to rule cock with pleasure and skill and to prove to myself I could conquer that cum batch.
His package was actually beautiful and the very first one I had seen and felt up close and personal. It was pinkish, eager and smelling of citrus soap with slightly salty notes. The skin was velvety smooth and soft, but felt rooted by the steely unseen infrastructure beneath the thin, fleshy layer directly under my fingertips.
Ripe Peaches
Those balls were like ripe peaches, full and juicy, and just aching to be milked of their cream. My attentive exploration as I studied him made him feel a bit objectified. Kind of like a fine scientific specimen. I was evaluating, studying, trying to absorb every detail, reaction, and muted rumble. The fluttering vein in the long-stemmed tip to the root of the throbbing balls in the back was lovely. As was the seam that attached them and all the little gooey dewdrops of excitement that followed. They are permanently etched in my mind’s eye. I consumed that cock’s essence in every way possible.
Just like my first two-fingered slug of whiskey straight-up, I took that cock-shot like a champ, head-on and with nary a squeamish second thought or wincing involved. Therefore,I knew I was a natural.
In fact, truth be told, I enjoyed the experience. The warmth and girth growing in my slender hands and forming an erect, taut shaft on the rim of my pursed, watermelon flavored, glossed lips, transformed me into a dick jockey and cock controlling deviant mistress.
So, my dears, and especially you CEI fans, I made that guy shoot off the very first time I saw it. If I can get acquainted with a cock that fast, you can to, to please your Mistress. I also managed to swallow every last drop on my very first attempt. Since I could manage this as an innocent 18 year-old with no prior experience, shouldn’t cum-eating be natural enough to you? And, yes, that is meant as a challenge! I’m laying down the gauntlet because the question is, can you guzzle down that crème de la cock, or is it just too much for you to swallow? 😉
~*Fiona la Femme Fatale*~800.356.6196
Email: fiona@enchantrixempire.comEE Profile: GoddessFionaSkype: Enchantrix Fiona CTwitter: EnchantrixFionaTumblr @ fionafantasyfemdompixie
I have been trying to be ‘chaste’ for my Pixie; but, it is too “painful” to keep my hands off of myself for You!
At 43, I realize I am NOT wiser than You!
I hope I can comment further on this blog in an e-mail!
Your pain is my pleasure 😉
I am glad that my pain is Your pleasure!
That’s a good sub-slut Heehee
I love it when my Pixie giggles at me; and, calls me a “good sub-slut.”
It is too painful to stay away from You and this site, I am going down the rabbit hole!
Oh hun you already fell into wonderland 😉
*Starts to edge*
I love being called that.
It does feel like I am in Wonderland.
lol Well I’m a B-more girl at heart which is like the hometown of hon/hun 😉 xoxo
I LOVE for my Pixie to laugh at me.
Thanks for the encouragement!
I admit I have a problem that is getting worse the more time I look at Your pictures; and, read Your blogs.
Are You going to make my problem worse?
I seem to make you more and more addicted accidently oops!;)
I LOVE how You seem to make me more; and, more addicted!
I am doing this ALL on purpose to myself!!!
No, need to say “oops” or apologize.
After all, I am 43.
What do they say? “Old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway?”
Hell, yes!
I feel so ashamed of myself that my Pixie has this control over me.
I hope I am making Pixie laugh and feel superior?
Indeed haha
I am so glad that I am!!!
I realize now that I belong to You. (keeps edging)
Of course you do!
Pixie, I am on my knees. I am completely nude!
I am submitting to my Pixie!
I am fully prepared to belong to You. I am edging myself.
I realize that I belong to You.
I am glad I do.
I am still edging. It feels soooo good that I don’t want sleep!
I am addicted to this sensation; and, have become dependant on it.
Will You be my Valentine/Goddess?
My balls feel like ripe peaches, aching to be milked of their cream.
Are You laughing?
You’re my funny valentine oxo 😉
I am glad I am! 🙂
That’s music to a mistress ;0)
Anything to make You happy!:)
*trying to be good*
My dick is soooooooo hard for You.