Mindfuck with Mistress of the Macabre

Mindfuck with Mistress of the Macabre

Mindfuck with Mistress of the Macabre There is an inextricable link joining kink and creepy, fear and excitement, thrilling and chilling. Perhaps that’s why I have always held a deep fascination with horror. Be it scary movies, novels or eerie local folklore...

Fiona Forecast: Double Mistress Calls

Fiona Forecast: Double Mistress Calls Fiona’s Forecast is calling for Ahhhh-mazing April Specials! As many of my little cumstars, regulars and sissy pets know, I absolutely LOVE Double Mistress Calls. Let me count the ways: It’s so fun to be able to talk...

Mistress FAQ 2024 Edition

Mistress FAQ 2024 Edition I’ve been getting a lot of new pets recently and with them has come an influx of questions so I have some updated answers to some FAQs to share. What are your favorite kinds of calls as a Phone Mistress? I’m game for everything we...

LGBT Ghost Adventures

Living Your Best (After)life -From my Mistress archive files To ring in the New Year I have a special treat! I snagged a great interview with the amazingly talented Mr. Ken Summers author of the LGBT ghost adventures and strange tales called Queer Hauntings. Now,...