En Femme Guide to Fun Cosmetic Facts

En Femme Guide to Fun Cosmetics Facts Hello everyone! I was reading up on the history of cosmetics and thought I’d share some of the interesting facts I learned for all my en femme readers. -From the Oxford Dictionary: “The origin of the term,...

Sissy Fashion For Fall

Sissy Fashion For Fall  Looking for a way to heat up your look as the temperatures begin to drop? I have been scouring magazines and the net looking for some autumnal inspiration for my look. Now, I firmly believe that sissy fashion can sometimes feel like a militant...

Sultry Sissy Tips for Summer

How to Look Sizzling Hot En Femme While Still Staying Cool This Summer with These Simple Sissy Tips: *Add a new summery scented body spray to your routine. You can create your own fragrance infusion cocktail! Tango with Mango, mandarin blood orange and honeysuckle...

En femme Fantasy: My Femmy Valentine

En Femme Fantasy: My Femmy Valentine It’s that time of year again: Arrow slinging cupid cherubs, stores donning chocolate laden heart boxes. The florists’ display windows budding with bursts of bouquets. Those of you that are regular readers of my blog...