The Enchantrix Enchanted Forest Blog Train

Captured & Controlled Kink: Naiad Nocturne
You’ve already had quite a night haven’t you? I’m sure you’ve been enjoying some of the many, different kinds of ways to be captured. Splendorous Succubi, vampiric vixens, magical potions and exotic mushrooms? Oh my! Luscious Lena’s Cum Factory of Horror was so incredibly fun! We have so much more in store for you yet. You must be feeling pretty worn out by now huh? Well, it seems you are in luck because I want you to just relax. Somehow, you find it just feels right to ease into your captured and controlled kink. You slowly get your bearings and see you have come on upon the curved lip shoreline of a babbling, cerulean grotto. The cavernous edge shows an overhanging cave. It echoes hypnotically with the distant sounds of a far off waterfall. As you hear it cascading throughout the forest’s floor, you realize you are floating into the water.
The knobby trees knees trailing off the thicket, brush into the crystalline waters. The labyrinthine patterns crisscrossing into the lapping azure pool of rippling waves soothes you. The meandering gait of the water picks up speed as you careen onward. Meanwhile, you feel entranced with a building sense of inexplicable euphoria. You feel yourself floating atop the swirling depths with no sense of fear or anxiety.
Captured, Controlled and Falling into a Trance Dance
As you float through the riverbed, you hear a melodious chime-like tinkling. And then, in your field of vision there materializes an incandescent gleam of lights twinkling along the stream. They are globular; the glimmering spheres of will-o’-wisps, glinting with luminous, pulsating lights all aglow. As they surround you from all sides and enclosing around you, as they teem from the forest canopy, water, and surrounding woods are teeming and brimming over with their bright warmth. The feathery orbs continue to dance around you and the closer they get, the warmer you feel. A tingle starts to grow between your legs and your arousal builds. What you thought was the soft chiming of bells turns out to be feminine laughter as the orbs start to grow and take shape.

Nymphs Emerge and Your Body Starts to Surge
The shapes take a nascent form as they move about. They turn into shadowy silhouettes of sexy siren-like beings encircling you as you flow atop the waves. They twist, twirl and turn in sinuous, serpentine dances. It’s hard to tell if they are swimming, swirling or walking but as their lithe bodies undulate languorously, you feel yourself spiraling. Their slender hands almost look to be moving in silent, bewitching incantations. Unspoken words are like webs of whispers that you can feel, if not hear them. You realize as they motion with their hands and arms, because spidery silky soft yet strong as steel tendrils form and latch onto you. They are teasing and tickling you all over and around your body in intricate knot designs. All while the nymph’s breath-taking visages make you swoon.
Twisted and Tangled, Caught in their Water Web
It’s as if your body is now being pulled into place like the strings of a puppet tweaked tautly in skilled hands as it acts accordingly. While you are hesitant to let yourself go completely, they begin to coax you closer to the cascading edge of a coerced orgasm. Overloaded by the feel of them wrapping around you and slipping all about, you feel your breath catch. The twisting of the webbing is wrapping around you like bondage. It makes you feel completely captured and controlled and so very close to the crest.

Your tenuous resolve to attempt to stay in some semblance of control teeters over the edge as your body slides and glides down a waterfall being pulled forward towards the whorl. Even though you are spinning through the water and your spacial awareness is pure motion and movement, your limbs are intractably bound and inlaced together. The spindly spooling web-like shibari (the beauty of tight binding) ropes are entangling you closer towards ecstasy. The water, movement, bonds and shadows converge and merge into an overwhelming sensation of throbbing need. Giddiness takes over as you delve deeper into the water’s falling finger-like caresses. The propulsive pulsation and pull of the water is enough to make you think you’ll explode as the urge surges through you to spasm in submission.
And On You Go…
When you come back to your senses, you are beneath the forest’s canopy. It’s spangled with gilded gold and red filigrees of foliage, the burnished leaves play and crinkle in the breeze as you wonder what exactly just happened. The Mellifluous laughter melts into crickets’ chirps and on you go to meet with your next gorgeous Mistress Nadia, as the train chugs on…
~*Fiona la Femme Fatale*~
Naiads, Water nymphs, webs binding your limbs, a mystical waterfall? All of these did a wonderful job of dragging me into this wonderful fantasy world you have created! Thank you Mistress Fiona for painting a picture in my mind!
Thanks so much for reading, Darling -and your sweet words! I so enjoyed writing this blog post.
Mistress Fiona, this is Sissy Slut Samantha. As a hard core cum slut and whore, my kink interests lean toward the more messy and high impact stuff. But your prose weaves a truly enveloping sensation that is just as exciting as getting pounded by a big horny stud, just in a different way. I would enjoy very much being handled for a couple of hours by your nymphs with an orgasm just beyond reach for most of that time. Further, I really need to learn more about pleasuring a cock with more nymph-like methods! Thanks for a great post!
Oh I too so love both high impact and messy and feather light and sensual. 😉 Thanks so much for reading and your kind words, Doll. XOXO
Fiona! I knew your entry would be filled with luscious, tempting imagery but holy cow, WOMAN! Amazing, simply amazing!
Thank you so much! That means so much coming from such a wonderful writer like yourself. <3
Mistress Fiona, what a fantastical, magical adventure. I wanted nothing more than to waft away carried by the current to paradise.
Rejuvenated by the water sprites therapeutic caresses, I’m suddenly jolted out of my trance,
“Hey buddy!” calls out the manager of The Ritz Hotel Beachfront, “You’ve been in that Lazy River for six hours!”
“You’re all pruny and burned to a crisp!” he continued.
“Go back to your room, you’re scaring people!”
Wonderful post Mistress Fiona. Beautiful writing!
Ha! Those lazy rivers are so relaxing. Thank you so much for reading, Hun. 😉
Ms. Fiona, this is an excellent story. It reminds me of the thrill and nerves of my friend’s Halloween parties in college. We wore revealing items such as loin clothes that ladies could easily flip open to look at (and sometimes laugh) at our cocks. The women also wore revealing costumes so it was fun but frustrating for some of us that didn’t get very far as the night went on. Some of the larger dicked men had an amazing time.
Fun and frustrating is perfect for sph fans like yourself, Doll 😉
During those parties I very nearly lost my virginity; instead it was Halfway with one or two girls (who liked me because I’m cute, I think) who jacked me off enough to make me hard.
Thank you so much for this! Perfect to help me get into the mindset for the water nymph halloween costume we’ve been working on 🙂
So glad you enjoyed it since your costume was inspiring for this blog, Darlin’ 😉
I love this! I can’t wait to hear about your costume! In my opinion, the more options for others to peek and engage your cock, the better!
So what are you going to be this year?
Do you have a recommendation?
Your favorite cartoon character perhaps or something you want to emulate in some way or maybe even something that scares you (as a way to conquer it).
One year I made a basketball costume with a separate top and bottom setup that included a tennis-ball sized half-basketball that covered my cock. It was Eazy to pull back and several ladies did. Some even stroked it, but briefly.
One of the most powerful sexual moments of my life:
I just had a recollection of another SPH moment that was unique from some years ago. I was at a bar and a man who knew a friend of mine hit on me a few times in a very sexual way. I let him know I wasn’t gay, and everything was friendly and the evening went on. Then I went to use the restroom (urinal) and suddenly he pulled up right next to me and said “so we meet again”and pulled out his large cock and started peeing, looking at mine, which was barely poking out of my zipper. I felt an immediate and intense tingle of erotic embarrassment and sense of being dominated. I thought about it a lot after that and think had I been willing, he would have dominated me intensely. His was a lot bigger than mine, and I pulled mine back into my pants out of embarrassment. It was powerful.
That’s a great recommendation about the cartoon character costume. If I had a mako shark costume, I would do it!